Random: Change of Workout Plan


     I took two tabs of B vitamins today. My energy is just exploding and my fingers are shaking! It's nothing new, really. Some days I just need a quick lift and this is one of those ....days. It's been approximately 120 hours since I ran 21 kilometers. My body has recovered and the soreness is gone. I did a recovery run earlier this week, too!

     I have come a conclusion that building muscle does help in running. It's not only all fancy schmancy. My core has gotten so crappy. The last time I did power yoga my flabs went hay wire but good thing I was still able to do a tripod headstand. I guess I still have it in me...flexibility though, back to zero.

     Before flying out to India, I will be juggling workouts at home with running. I need to because I'll be taking a week off. Probably I will be doing some simple workouts there but we'll see. Catch y'all laterssss!

Happy Friday everyone! Pit Senyor!
It's Sinulog weekend already!

photo courtesy of Google (Paul Gotiong)


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